Saturday, 31 May 2014

So glad the sun is out

I wish I could take a day trip to the sea or something, but I'm meeting Jess later to watch Godzilla for free, up at the Hackney Picturehouse. Stef says it's really good. The charity I was doing the report for is having a community event today, I'm going to pop over in a minute. Maybe I'll walk to Hackney and meet Jess there, I could do with a nice walk.

I've had my second proper batch of sauerkraut fermenting away for around eight days now, it has a real tang to it - I think I'll take it out today and start a new batch. I might make a World Cup batch as well, put it in on opening day and let it ferment until the final.

The alcohol has been out of control this week, I'll try to take a break this weekend, hold off to Monday night band practice. As I've said before I drink more than I should, but I feel like I can genuinely say that I don't usually drink to relieve stress or "drown my sorrows" - but yeah, this week I've been pretty much doing that, I have to admit. Feeling on the up now, more or less - I've been actually knuckling down and looking at jobs online, mostly public sector / non-profit comms roles. Still get occasional waves of nausea when working on my CV etc but I think this is going to be OK.

I haven't given up on the idea of developing technical skills and getting out of the creative class, but I think that's just something I'm going to have to develop on my own. I think I want to learn how to make needlepoint tapestry like Kaffe Fassett:

There's a good show of his at the American Museum in Bath right now. I like how needlepoint tapestry is reminiscent of 8-bit computer graphics.

I might start home brewing as well - I've been put off in the past by the fact that everyone's doing it, and also that there is currently loads and loads of good beer available to buy, so there's not much point in making your own. Also my flat is pretty small! But actually I guess the process is the thing, more than the product. It's become so uncool that I almost think it's now safe to do it. I like that as an alcohol control idea as well, like I'm only allowed to drink as much beer as I make or something. Probably need to find somewhere other than my flat to do it though.

Non-profit comms work, needlepoint tapestry, home brewing, drink less, start applying myself more in tai chi. That should take me through to 40.


  1. I've thought for a while this would be a good rule, "only drink booze you make yourself". Although in my head this limits drinking, maybe it'd just mean I suck down some honey wine with breakfast.

    Maybe it's all about making alcoholic drinks which aren't beer? Some nice mead.

  2. "Only drink booze you make yourself" is probably taking it too far, as why deprive yourself of nice booze? But what if it was like a quota, if I make 50 pints (and presumably give some away) I'm allowed to then purchase 50 pints. You have to earn the right to buy alcohol from other people. There are some obvious practical points to iron out.
