Thursday, 8 May 2014

Afrobics, vegetables, alcohol

OK I feel like those last posts on politics were like the last cleaning of old dirt from the pipes, it's just pure flow now, all new material. It might get serious but it will be present or future-oriented.

Just got back from Afrobics at Goldsmiths gym, Jess has been badgering me to go for ages. I thought I was going to die after 20 mins, I'm really out of shape. Gave up the gym about two years ago, was in my gym kit about to go do my regular routine of 3km on treadmill, light resistance training when I realised that I was never going to step on a treadmill ever again. Took up epee fencing for a while but it was on Friday nights (the Brixton Fencing Club!) so that fell apart after a while. Zumba was great for a bit (I get free classes at Goldsmiths gym) but my favourite instructor left and the other instructor mixes in all this house music and burlesque shit - keep it real! Afrobics was great though, the instructor is an African woman with a big chest and wide hips, which makes me feel more at home.

I guess I'm writing about health? Dramatically increased vegetable intake recently, feel much better for it. Trick, as always, was better planning, not buying random veg and letting it rot but buying a mix and immediately cooking it into stews, salads, etc.

Still need to sort out alcohol, I feel like I'm at a bit of a crossroads given my age. I quit smoking at the right time, 23, many of my friends who didn't quit by 25 will now probably smoke for life. I'm still drinking like a 26 year old. It's just so tasty and so enjoyable!

I reckon I need to cut down about 50%, but like advertising expenditure, it's hard to know which 50% to cut. I'm a bit all-or-nothing, genuinely enjoy extended periods of abstinence but find it hard to just have two - like I physically/mentally feel awful if a drinking session is "cut short". Any pro tips?


  1. I'm very all or nothing too with booze. Go weeks without, then have a "session". Find one or two to be near impossible. I wonder about giving up entirely at some point, but I've been wondering that for years.

    I think my blog will take a health-turn at some point too. After all, must be close to saying all I've got to say about London/rest of UK (let's hope so).

    I'm all about paleo, kettlebells and "compound lifts" these days. Oh, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I'm too introverted to go to a Zumba class.

  2. "Having some kids" would probably be one way to cut down. But yeah I'm relatively comfortable with the idea of being a future teetotaller, but it would be nice to figure out some kind of life-hack happy medium. Just after writing this, I thought about whether I might tell people I'm on the "5:2 booze diet" (i.e. two days on, not vice versa!!). I'd also pencilled in the Brazil trip as a kind of 'last hurrah' of wanton self-indulgence before getting my act together.

    Zumba was a bit of a challenge, I was the only guy in the class which was fine, but the gym is laid out in a way that all of the weightlifters can look into the studio bit. I had to call upon every last sinew of "comfort in my masculinity".
