Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Limehouse Cut

Super quick post while wife takes shower, inlaws in town today!

I decided to walk to band practice in Hackney yesterday as we were recording at Dan's house and I didn't have to carry a guitar. I took the Greenwich foot tunnel, walked up through Canary Wharf, around east Limehouse, searching for the Regents Canal. Instead I fell upon the Limehouse Cut, a straight canal that runs sort of parallel to the Regents Canal. It's fantastic! More industrial and leaner on the eye, but an interesting alternative - the Bristol to the Regent Canal's Bath, or the Glasgow to its Edinburgh.

Lots of good bits to it, but the only one I've got time to mention is a low train bridge that goes over the footpath. It carries four tracks, and you can stand under them and look at trains passing literally four or five feet above your head. The first few times, the trains passed slightly to the left or right of me - obviously I then decided to figure out in advance which track they were coming down and position myself directly underneath them. When I finally did, I literally shivered and jumped out of the way with a little squeal when the train passed directly overhead.

Anyway, the Limehouse cut. Need to go clean the bathroom.

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