Saturday, 3 May 2014

Frying a pork chop

I'm typing in the kitchen while frying a pork chop, I have about 18 mins. Trying to decide what to do today, a little light work on my outstanding commitments, stay at home all day watching Bruno Latour lectures on Youtube, or get out and about. It's a glorious day, I slightly hate feeling obliged to go for a walk, the sun is not my master, but I could do with a little exercise I guess, this stuff is good for you.

I walk all the time now, I love it - the Capital Ring was just a jumping off point for me. I tend to stick the Thames these days. If you want to look it up on a map, I live right next to New Cross Gate station, slightly to the east on Batavia Road. For a long time I would walk directly north up to the river, and then walk west towards civilisation, ending up at London Bridge. Or I would take the overground to Rotherhithe and walk west to Westminster Bridge, or maybe train to London Bridge and then walk to Deptford High Street and home.

But one day I went north to the river and headed east, all the way to the Thames Barrier. Fucking phenomenal. You head through Maritime Greenwich and then the whole west ridge of the Greenwich Peninsula is a deserted path with old rusting boats and shit. When you get near the top there is some actual industrial shit going on, like a fucking crane scooping up shit out of a boat and swinging it over the path, dumping it into some kind of refinery filled with these great big mounds of rubble, it's like the surface of the moon. Some good pics here. And then all the sudden you're outside the Millennium Dome!

I like to break off here and wander through the Greenwich Millennium Village, a sort of planned town they knocked up and haven't quite finished. It looks like a town in Holland or Germany, but kind of eerie because at the edge there is just wasteland where they haven't started building yet. I really want to talk to someone who lives there!

The river carries on with more industry, a yacht club, then the Thames barrier. You can cut back inland, kind of do a loop and go through Charlton. I love how the Charlton Athletic stadium just jumps out from behind a row of terraced housing. You can either get the train back from Charlton or walk all the way back into Greenwich along the A206. This is kind of a boring road but when you walk down it many times, you start to see a new frontier slowly opening up in East Greenwich for that thing I was talking about in an earlier post.

Pork chop then walk, yes that's the ticket.


  1. Does it take you 18 minutes to fry a pork chop? We bought a full pig a while back, butchered. It's in the freezer. Great to have a whole pig, but you don't have get a lot of pork chops. Still trying to find a way of cooking them which doesn't leave them dry and tough.

  2. i was following instructions and not trusting my senses, and it ended up dry and tough even after 12 mins. I have an electric cooker, it's the one aspect of my self-imposed slumming I feel genuinely ashamed about.
