Saturday, 7 June 2014

Safe disregards: a less annoying way of recommending music

Looks like me and Al both woke up in the mood for music posts today! Looking forward to tackling his once I've had a coffee.

But anyway here's my very simple idea: recommending music (or indeed, any culture) to friends of our age is a delicate matter, as the very recommendation itself is often enough to put you off. What, another thing I feel obliged to go pay attention to?? But hey, it would be shame if we never talked about what we liked, or ever recommending anything ever.

I was talking to a friend who didn't like Breaking Bad, didn't really get it. I said give it a chance. He said he was well into series two - I said, give up, if you don't like it by now, it's just not for you.

This gave me the idea for a new form of music recommendation - basically, suggest one song that, if your friend listens to it and doesn't like it, they can safely disregard the band in question. This is really a mercy towards your friend, freeing them from obligation rather than putting more pop culture in the queue.

The song shouldn't necessarily be the best song, the smash hit - maybe the one that contains the band's most appealing characteristics AND more indulgent flourishes.

Without further ado, Safe Disregard #1: "Like Like The The The Death" by Silver Jews. If you don't like this, don't worry about Silver Jews.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent idea. Can also be done with directors and authors. If there's nothing you like in, say, Live Flesh, don't bother with Almodóvar.
